Website Links Count Checker

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Website Links Count Checker

Nhập một đường link (URL)

Giới thiệu Website Links Count Checker

One aspect of a website that always worries SEOs and webmasters is; how many links to they have to their website. For them Website links count checker is important. The reason is that the more and quality links a website has, the higher it will be rated by Google and other search engines.

Search for Website links count checker, and there will be a flood of websites offering this tool. They are quite simple to use and return accurate results. The summary of results will display:

  • Total links
  • Internal links
  • External links
  • No-follows.

This is useful information for website masters. SEOs when optimizing websites make it their task to run a site links counter check.

Total links tell you the total number of internal and external links that the website has. Some website links counter check tools will also show the number of duplicate links and number of empty anchors.

Internal links are those that link pages within a website. They may be linked via the website menu or by interlinks. For example, if a website has a menu item 'oil refineries' and in the drop down menu, there are four refineries listed they will be interlinked.

External links are links to other websites. The higher the number of external links the better they are for the website. However, all the links should be to relevant and credible websites and not to spam or spurious sites.

No-follows are indicated in red as they indicate danger. The amount of danger they pose to a website is debatable. However no-follow links should be avoided. Popular social media sites automatically are no-follow.

Some Website links count checker tools will also tell you the anchor text which is linking your site to another site. This helps to analyze the text and to use versions of the anchor text to create more follow links.


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