Google Drive Downloaded Link Generator

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Google Drive Downloaded Link Generator Form

File G.Drive Id:
     + Step 1: Access to GOOGLE DRIVE by following link:;
     + Step 2: Log in to your GOOGLE DRIVE Account (If you are already logged in, skip this step);
     + Step 3: Move to the File to Create Direct Download Link => Next, You right-click on the file and select the option SHARE => In the box General access You select the value ANYONE HAS LINK and VIEWER;
     + Step 4: Click the COPY LINK button from the displayed Google Drive Share Form => Next, you click the DONE button.
     + Step 5: Paste that link into File G.Drive Id in above form => Next, You Copy the Google Drive File ID from the displayed Link then delete all the links displayed in this box => Next, You paste the ID FILE GOOGLE DRIVE that you just copied back box File G.Drive Id;
     + Step 6: You click on the LINK GENERATOR button to proceed to create a Direct Download File Google Drive Link;
     + Step 7: You copy the link in the box RESULTS and send it to Your Partners, Customers;
       Example: Google Drive File Link needs to create Direct Download Link:;
                    => The GOOGLE DRIVE FILE ID according to this example is: 1DTuoXb2N_e-sBdmVyZum-9bj1QPeh-qT;

                    Experience real results: PLEASE CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD FILE!
aiWriter24h.Com - The Best Ai Content Tool | SmsMk365.Com - Send Bulk Sms Tool | bCard24h.Com - Tool To Create A Smart Digital Business Card | vCRMpro.Com - Projects & Teamwork & Tasks Management Software