Creating a youtube application for social auto poster

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Creating a youtube application for social auto poster

07/06/2024 12:00 AM by David in Social auto poster

     To get a YouTube Application detail, go and visit:

     You need to be logged in to your YouTube account to be able to get YouTube Application Id and channel secret. So first, login to your YouTube account and then follow the link above to get to their developer page. This should look similar to the one shown in the image below. Click on ” Create Project” button.

Create new project in google developer

     After you click ”Create Project” the project screen opens, Enter Project Name and Project ID will be auto generated. After that Click on the “Create” button to create Project. The page will look similar to image shown below.

Create new projects for social auto poster

     After creating the project you will be redirect to the project listing page as shown in the image below: Click on the Project name.

Manage resources from google developer

     Now, you have to enable YouTube data API V3. Click on APIs & Services and there you will find Library. Click on Library.

enable YouTube data API V3

     After you click on library the page similar to image will open in the search bar enter YouTube and in suggestion box you will find YouTube Data API v3. Click on it.

Choose YouTube Data API v3

     As you click on YouTube Data API v3 the screen similar to the image shown below is shown. There click on “Enable” button.

Enable YouTube Data API v3

     Now, click on menu “Credentials” and select the “OAuth consent screen” tab. After you click on ” OAuth consent screen” you will be asked to Choose the user type select the user type and click on “Create” button. Then the screen open which will be similar to image shown below .Fill the required data and save.

OAuth consent screen

Note: You must have to add Email AddressAuthorized domains and Application Name on Consent Screen page. Authorized domains should be the site URL where you want social login to be work. Without this info your apps will not work and always generate a invalid client id error.

     After saving the “OAuth consent screen”, you will be redirect to the scope click on Save and continue then test users screen where you can add test users. After adding test user you can click on save and continue. You will be lead to summary page on the side menu bar click on Credential tab. Now click on Create credential > OAuth client ID link as shown in the image below:

OAuth client ID

     Now enter the application type. Based on the Application type you will be asked to fill the data. Enter the data and click on “Create” button. After that you will be redirected to screen where in Pop up you will find the Client Id and Secret Key. The screen will look similar to image shown below.

find the Client Id and Secret Key

     Now, Copy the Client Id and client secret to the YouTube settings within the Plugin settings page. Once you save the settings, it will display valid OAuth redirect URI copy it.

     Important: When you copy and paste the Client Id and client secret, make sure, that you don’t have any empty spaces, either at the beginning nor at the end of these entries. If you have any empty spaces, then the Application won’t work and will show an error message when you try to connect to the App.

Youtube APP Setting

Valid OAuth redirect URIs

     Now go to developer dashboard > credentials (its in side menu bar) > select app from dropdown next to google cloud logo. Click on project name. A screen similar to image shown below will be displayed. Enter the redirect URL and saver then go to plugin and click on extended permission.

extended permission

     After entering redirect URI, click on the “Grant Extended Permission” button within the plugin’s settings page and Save.

Grant Extended Permission

     Note: Youtube data API allows only 10K units (5 videos) per day. For more details click here.

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