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If other sites want to link to your website it means that they recognize that your site has dominance and authority in its category and by establishing a backlink to your site they hope to better their ranking. Similarly if yours is a new website, you want to create backlinks. The more backlinks to legitimate sites you have the better will be your ranking.
Creating quality backlinks takes time and there are no shortcuts to it. You must check the page ranking of a website before creating a backlink to it. Some websites allow other websites to create backlinks to it, whereas some do not. The reason for this is that they do not want spam sites creating links to their sites.
Recognizing the fact that backlinks played a major role in improving the ranking of websites, shysters started advertising and selling links to website owners who were unaware that they were being scammed. Search engines got wise to this fraud and started banning websites that were offering spam backlinks and they also blacklisted websites that had links to spam sites. Therefore, as a web master never buy backlinks from shady sites.
Before getting any backlinks make doubly sure that the website with which you are creating a backlink is a reputable and established site. Also always get links from websites that are in your category. For example if your website sells sports magazines get links with sports sites and news sites that cover sports. Don’t get links to car repair or dog training sites as these sites have no relevance to your site and search engines will become suspicious of your backlinks. Remember search engines are extremely smart and intelligent and they follow every websites backlinks and check if they are relevant to the content of the website. Because if a search engine blacklists a website because of it having shady backlinks, that will spell the end for that website.
Yes, websites do need backlinks but you must first check if the site that you are getting a backlink from has a high ranking and PR. It's better to build your backlinks slowly rather than rushing to create backlinks and stinging your site. Many webmasters have faced a bad experience when they bought spam backlinks which got their websites blacklisted by the search browsers.
Getting a top ranking is a tough and arduous job that takes time and patience. You cannot shoot to the top in page ranking even if you are selling top quality items. There are millions of websites on the internet and thousands more are being created every day. Therefore the competition for top ranking on search engines is a long battle and you have to use every legitimate tactic to achieve that target. Once you do you have to fight to retain it as someone will be trying to replace you. Creating and setting up a website is easy. The really tough part is making it to the first page in a search browser and to be listed among the first four or five sites.
Search for backlink maker on the internet and you will find a number of sites imploring you to get backlinks from them. Before you decide to get free backlinks check the site ranking and PR of the site offering the backlinks.
The newly created backlinks will have no immediate impact on the ranking of your website. This is because search engines bots visit websites based on a schedule. After a few visits you will definitely see an improvement in the ranking of your website.
Be careful of sites that advertise 2500 backlinks, 2000 backlink generator and free backlinks generator online. These sites are probably scam sites who are trying to make a quick buck by fooling novice web owners. Only get backlinks from a trusted website, that's it.